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Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) Training Program
Introduction to Ethical Hacking
Introduction to Ethical Hacking (10:02)
Introduction to Ethical Hacking: Supplemental Resources
Vulnerabilities (7:00)
Defense-in-depth (3:26)
Penetration Testing (7:30)
Pentesting Demo 1 (5:19)
Pentesting Demo 2 (2:21)
Pentesting Demo 3 (3:10)
Methodology for Penetration Testing/Ethical Hacking (7:36)
Vulnerability Management (1:14)
Security Policy (1:52)
Incident Management (2:41)
Disaster Recovery and Risk Management
Disaster Recovery and Risk Management: Supplemental Resources
Defining Risk Management (2:16)
Strategies For Managing Risk (2:13)
How to Analyze Risk (5:25)
Risk Assessment Demo (18:16)
DR Strategies (5:05)
Plan Testing and Execution (2:16)
Conclusion (1:00)
Penetration Testing
Security Auditing (5:50)
Vulnerability Assessment Demo (10:36)
Areas of Pentest (4:47)
Penetration Testing Types (4:34)
Awareness and Compliance (1:37)
Penetration Testing: Supplemental Resources
Educating Employees (1:25)
Vulnerability Assessment
Vulnerability Assessment: Supplemental Resources
Introduction (2:35)
Testing Overview (0:50)
Security Alerts (4:11)
Scanners (4:23)
Nessus Demo (4:17)
IBM AppScan Demo (2:55)
GFI Languard Demo (1:34)
Analyzing the Scan Results (4:34)
Generating Reports (1:54)
Remediation (7:49)
Patch Management (1:28)
Conclusion (1:03)
Physical Security
Physical Security: Supplemental Resources
Introduction (0:46)
Importance of Physical Security (3:34)
Physical Security Planning (4:51)
CPTED (6:54)
Protecting Assets (1:45)
Introduction (2:39)
Environment Control (2:47)
Power Supply and Protection (6:44)
Fire Prevention, Detection, and Suppression (3:42)
Perimeter Security (3:29)
External Boundary Protection (1:38)
Locks and Fencing (1:36)
Lighting and Patrols (2:52)
Surveillance Devices (1:11)
Auditing Physical Security (2:41)
Testing and Drills (1:12)
Conclusion (0:39)
Introduction (1:14)
Footprinting: Supplemental Resources
Footprinting/Reconnaissance (4:36)
Knowledge Check (1:16)
Information Gathering (6:36)
Knowledge Check (1:58)
Footprinting Hierarchy (1:08)
WHOIS Footprinting Demo (1:53)
Footprinting Methodology (2:43)
Passive vs. Active Footprinting (4:41)
Knowledge Check (1:30)
Knowledge Check (1:59)
Footprinting with Google (1:57)
Social Engineering (8:05)
Google Hacking (0:49)
Exploit Database Demo (1:20)
Google Hacking for Charity Demo (1:33)
Google Advance Search Operations (1:49)
Footprinting Tools (1:13)
Google Hacking Tools (3:00)
Maltego Demo (1:42)
Additional Footprinting Tools (0:46)
Footprinting Countermeasures (2:19)
Footprinting PenTesting (3:03)
Conclusion (1:55)
Reconnaissance: Supplemental Resources
Introduction (1:51)
Reconnaissance Threats (3:11)
7 Steps of Information Gathering (6:27)
Footprinting Methodology (2:38)
Passive vs. Active Footprinting (3:08)
Passive Footprinting Tools (0:23)
PassiveRecon Demo (2:01)
Shodanhq.com Demo (0:41)
Active Footprinting (2:36)
Visualroute Trace Demo (0:45)
Scanning Networks and Ports (5:42)
Nmap Scan Demo (1:41)
Enumeration (1:25)
Reconnaissance Countermeasures
Scanning Networks
Scanning Networks: Supplemental Resources
Techniques for Private Network Scanning (2:28)
Defining Private and Public Scanning (0:51)
Angry IP Demo (6:47)
Nmap Demo (4:21)
Hping Demo (3:14)
Public Scanning with Zmap (2:32)
Conclusion (5:34)
Port Scanning
Port Scanning: Supplemental Resources
Introduction to Port Scanning (3:54)
Port Scanning Methods (4:36)
Ping Demo (3:26)
Ping Tester Demo (4:03)
Well-Known Ports (3:17)
Netstat Demo (3:04)
Informational Sites (0:58)
Port Scanning Techniques I (11:14)
Nmap Demo (1:39)
Scans and Firewalls (10:12)
Nmap Version Detection Demo (4:34)
UDP (3:24)
Advanced Scanning Techniques (2:44)
Port Scanning Tools (5:35)
Port Scanning Techniques II (3:58)
Port Scanning Countermeasures (3:19)
Conclusion (1:23)
Banner Grabbing
Banner Grabbing: Supplemental Resources
Introduction (0:49)
What is Banner Grabbing? (3:53)
Types of Banner Grabbing (2:36)
Banner Grabbing Tools (3:43)
Banner Grabbing Using Telnet Demo (1:46)
Countermeasures (1:29)
Conclusion (0:50)
Enumeration: Supplemental Resources
Introduction (0:57)
Applications (1:42)
NetBIOS Demo (4:14)
SNMP (3:10)
LDAP (0:42)
LDAP Demo (3:28)
NTP (1:04)
SMTP (1:29)
DNS Enumeration (1:33)
NSlookup Demo (2:24)
Conclusion (0:33)
Linux Fundamentals
Linux Fundamentals: Supplemental Resources
Linux History (1:49)
GUI & Shell (4:44)
Linux Shell (1:27)
Managing Files and Directories (1:08)
Root Enable Disable Demo (3:17)
Linux Commands (3:30)
Navigating in Linux (3:13)
Linux Navigation Demo (6:15)
Tar (2:28)
Compression Demo (3:19)
Configuring Subdirectories (3:14)
Vi Demo (4:05)
Conclusion (0:51)
Configuring Linux for Pentesting
Configuring Linux for Pentesting: Supplemental Resources
Installing Applications (2:06)
apt-get Demo (3:08)
Applications for Pentesting (1:42)
Essential Tools and GUI Demo (7:55)
Iptables (1:00)
Iptables Demo (9:28)
IP Forwarding Demo (3:02)
Conclusion (0:54)
Authentication Systems
Authentication Systems: Supplemental Resources
Forms of Authentication (3:52)
Authentication Factors (1:54)
Introduction to Authentication Protocols (1:08)
CHAP and MS-CHAP (2:45)
NTLM (5:54)
NTLM Continued (3:31)
Authentication Methods Demo (13:05)
Triple As (1:25)
RADIUS 2 Demo (8:40)
LDAP (2:59)
Single Sign-on (1:59)
Conclusion (1:35)
System Hacking
System Hacking: Supplemental Resources
Introduction (1:49)
Types of Password Attacks (2:30)
Password Guessing (3:39)
Password Hashing and Encryption (10:37)
Password Cracking Technique (25:44)
Privilege Escalation (1:14)
Knowledge Check (0:44)
Hiding Files with NTFS (2:55)
Knowledge Check (0:49)
Steganography and Its Uses (5:39)
Understanding Rootkits (3:37)
Knowledge Check (0:33)
Knowledge Check (0:31)
Conclusion (1:55)
Spyware & Keyloggers
Spyware & Keyloggers: Supplemental Resources
Introduction (7:26)
Spyware Distribution (14:01)
Knowledge Check (0:43)
Understanding Keyloggers (1:33)
Hardware Keyloggers (3:27)
Software Keylogger (2:55)
Keylogger Examples (11:29)
Kernel Keyloggers (1:44)
Protecting Yourself (14:15)
Knowledge Check (0:36)
Conclusion (1:01)
Covering Tracks
Covering Tracks: Supplemental Resources
MRU-Blaster (1:53)
Working with WinZapper (2:25)
Dealing with Windows Logs (6:02)
Using Metasploit to Cover Tracks (1:46)
Meterpreter Event Manager Demo (2:25)
Meterpreter Timestomp Demo (1:54)
Linux History and Events (2:22)
Clearing the Bash History Demo (3:30)
Clearing Linux Events Demo (2:16)
File Shredding (1:35)
Anonymity (3:28)
Using Live CDs, Proxies, and Onion routers (2:33)
New Lecture
Conclusion (3:46)
Trojans and Backdoors
Trojans and Backdoors: Supplemental Resources
Introduction (1:31)
Definition and Distribution (7:52)
Capabilities (8:27)
Malware Knowledge Check (0:41)
Backdoors (5:47)
Trojans (12:08)
Wrappers (7:22)
Avoiding Detection (3:15)
Tools of the Trade Knowledge Check (0:31)
Countermeasure Considerations (5:45)
Investigation Tools (1:29)
Port Monitorization (1:30)
System File Monitorization (1:22)
Software Restriction Policies (4:36)
Additional Countermeasure Tools (1:28)
Countermeasures Knowledge Check (0:49)
Conclusion (1:58)
Viruses and Worms
Viruses and Worms: Supplemental Resources
Virus Definition and Behavior (2:39)
DELme Demo (4:51)
Viruses (0:51)
Virus Types (9:16)
JPS Demo (3:50)
Stealth Strategies and Infection (4:38)
Virus Mutation Demo (2:56)
Virus Infection (2:06)
Viruses Examples (2:28)
Defining Worms (1:31)
Worms Demo (7:29)
Known Dangerous Worms (11:18)
Conclusion (0:49)
Sniffers: Supplemental Resources
Wireshark Demo (9:31)
Packet Sniffers (15:29)
Sniffing (2:31)
Techniques for Poisoning the Network (3:38)
ARP Poisoning Demo (10:34)
Sniffing and Spoofing Tools (10:17)
Countermeasures (1:14)
XARP Demo (3:08)
Cisco Switch Security Configuration (1:43)
Conclusion (0:34)
Social Engineering
Social Engineering: Supplemental Resources
Introduction (1:35)
Security Policy (1:24)
Human-based Attacks (2:30)
Piggybacking (3:47)
Computer-based Attacks (1:12)
Phishing Email Demo (4:35)
SET-webTemplate Demo (7:11)
SET-spear phishing Demo (4:36)
SET-trojan Demo (4:17)
SET-SMS Spoofing Demo (2:22)
Using Social Media (0:58)
Conclusion (0:52)
Denial of Service
Introduction (2:29)
Denial of Service: Supplemental Resources
2014 DDoS Attacks and Impact Report (4:32)
DoS and Distributed DoS (4:45)
Distributed DoS (3:13)
DoS Impact (1:19)
Distributed DoS Attack Symptoms (0:46)
Digital Attack Map Demo (2:55)
DoS, DDoS Attacks (7:02)
Introduction to Botnets (2:20)
Botnet Ecosystem (8:08)
Botnet Propagation (2:08)
Botnet Tools (2:02)
DDoS Tools (0:42)
HOIC Demo (1:27)
DoS Attack Detection (0:57)
Activity Profiling (0:58)
Sequential Change-Point Detection (0:57)
Wavelet Analysis (0:35)
Botnet Countermeasures (1:09)
DoS, DDoS Countermeasures (8:13)
Advanced DoS, DDoS Protection Tools (3:03)
DDoS in Penetration Testing (1:57)
Advanced DDoS Protection Method (0:42)
Conclusion (2:01)
Session Hijacking
Session Hijacking: Supplemental Resources
Contributors to Session Hijacking (2:33)
Introduction (5:41)
Impact of Session Hijacking (0:53)
Session Hijacking Strategies (2:24)
Session Hijacking Process (2:58)
Types of Session Hijacking (11:49)
ZAP Tool Demo (4:54)
Session Hijacking Tools (0:50)
New Lecture
TamperIE Demo (15:32)
Protection Against Session Hijacking (2:45)
IP Security Architecture (1:53)
Penetration Testing in Session Hijacking (4:10)
Conclusion (1:37)
Hacking Web and App Servers
Hacking Web and App Servers: Supplemental Resources
Web server Attacks (4:09)
Apache2 Demo (9:16)
Gathering Information (1:29)
Website Mirroring Demo (3:43)
Netcraft Demo (5:21)
WMAP Demo (5:23)
Vulnerabilites (4:50)
W3AF Demo (5:07)
Conclusion (0:46)
Advanced Exploitation Techniques
Advanced Exploitation Techniques: Supplemental Resources
Introduction to Exploits (4:04)
Metasploit (2:20)
Metasploit Demo (3:59)
Understanding Metasploit (5:52)
Armitage (2:00)
Meterpreter Demo (8:23)
Metasploit (1:53)
Armitage Demo (4:47)
Hands on Metasploit (1:03)
Exploiting Vulnerabilities (1:41)
Payload (1:43)
Armitage-mimkatz Demo (4:29)
Core Impact Pro (2:55)
Conclusion (1:01)
SQL Injections
Introduction to SQL Injections (5:31)
SQL Injections: Supplemental Resources
SQL Injection Methodology (5:24)
SQL Injection Attacks (5:17)
SQL Injection Detection (1:11)
Buffer Overflow Exploit (1:02)
BSQL Tool Demo (1:44)
SQL Injection Username and Password Demo (4:04)
Testing for SQL Injection (1:37)
Countermeasures (2:50)
SQL Injection Detection Tools (0:55)
Conclusion (1:14)
Wireless Types and Vulnerabilities
Introduction (0:38)
Wireless Types and Vulnerabilities: Supplemental Resources
Wireless Communication Systems (2:13)
Standards (4:42)
InSSIDer Demo (5:49)
Encryption Protocols (8:41)
WPA2 Encryption (2:54)
Systems (7:03)
Jammer Demo (2:25)
Fake AP Demo (2:45)
Attacks (5:05)
Capsa Demo (5:40)
Conclusion (0:39)
Hacking Wireless Networks
Hacking Wireless Networks: Supplemental Resources
Introduction (2:03)
Aircrack Suite (4:00)
WEP Demo (10:14)
WPA2 Demo (5:50)
Using Reaver (1:25)
Windows Hacking Demo (4:42)
Using Windows (1:31)
DOS Demo (3:45)
Conclusion (0:41)
Mobile Hacking Basics
Rise of Mobility (4:57)
Device Security (5:25)
Mobile Hacking Basics: Supplemental Resources
Introduction (1:18)
Android Security Features Demo (7:31)
Areas to Consider (2:31)
Geo Tagging Demo (5:44)
Application Security (1:50)
Lookout Demo (4:33)
Mobile Applications (4:38)
Sophos Demo (5:12)
Trend Micro Security Demo (4:45)
BYOD Concerns (1:52)
iScan Demo (4:03)
Options (4:06)
App Permissions Demo (4:58)
The Virtualization Option (1:52)
Conclusion (1:24)
Evading Firewalls and Honeypots
Introduction (1:14)
Evading Firewalls and Honeypots: Supplemental Resources
Understanding Firewalls (4:02)
Firewall Architectures (2:37)
Types of Firewalls (4:47)
Evading Firewalls (6:32)
Configuring Proxy Demo (1:17)
Evading Firewalls Using Tunneling (2:53)
Evading Firewalls Using MitM Attacks (1:17)
Evading Firewalls Using External Systems (1:20)
Firewall Evasion Tools (2:11)
Firewall Bypassing and Pentration Testing Demo (1:23)
Firewall Evasion Tools Continued (3:28)
Honeypots Defined (0:54)
Types of Honeypots (3:29)
Detecting Honeypots (2:10)
Honeypot Using Atomic Software Demo (1:49)
Countermeasures (1:31)
Conclusion (1:09)
Penetration Testing (3:31)
Evading IDS
Evading IDS: Supplemental Resources
Introduction (2:10)
Introduction (4:23)
Encryption and Flooding (0:38)
Obfuscating (1:59)
Fragmentation Attack (0:59)
Overlapping Fragments (1:40)
Vulnerabilites (0:57)
How to Avoid IDS Demo (0:55)
Insertion Attack (1:43)
Evasion Attack (0:52)
Denial-of-Service Attack (0:47)
Denial-of-Service Attack (2:16)
Application-Layer Attacks (0:56)
Time to Live Attacks (1:22)
False Positive Generation (0:35)
Urgency Flag (0:52)
Session Splicing (1:23)
Pre Connection SYN (1:08)
Post Connection SYN (1:49)
Snort (0:43)
More Tools (3:36)
Ways to Detect (2:57)
ADMutate (0:34)
Other Evading Tools (1:40)
Centralized Security Management (3:28)
IDS Penetration Testing (2:30)
Conclusion (0:46)
Buffer Overflows
Buffer Overflows: Supplemental Resources
Introduction to Buffer Overflow (3:15)
Stacks (4:27)
Stack Overflow Demo (1:57)
Heaps (2:06)
Heap Overflow Demo (2:04)
Format Strings (1:10)
Format String Buffer Overflow Demo (1:48)
Integer Overflow Demo (1:15)
Vulnerability to Buffer Overflows (3:34)
Buffer Overflow Demo
Handling Buffer Overflow
Identifying Buffer Overflows
Defense Against Buffer Overflows
Programming Countermeasures
Buffer Overflow Security Tools
Buffer Overflow Pentesting
Cryptography: Supplemental Resources
Introduction (0:30)
Public key Infrastructure (PKI) (2:30)
PKI Installation Demo (11:33)
Certificate Authority (CA) (0:48)
Confi-complete Demo (7:54)
CRL Demo (4:08)
Enroll Certificate Demo (2:52)
Secure Communication with Certificates (3:01)
Certificate Management (1:59)
CA Management Demo (6:21)
Conclusion (0:34)
Cryptography Weaknesses
Introduction (1:01)
Cryptography Weaknesses: Supplemental Resources
Symmetric Demo (2:42)
Cryptographic Schemes (0:47)
BitLocker Demo (4:16)
Introduction (2:31)
AES (9:41)
Stream and Block Ciphers (3:43)
Introduction (1:58)
Asymmetric Demo (3:13)
Key Exchange Methods (3:40)
Hashing (1:01)
Hashcalc Demo (1:37)
Hash Algorithms (3:52)
Encryption Usage Examples (1:28)
Signature Demo (4:09)
Internet Security (2:53)
Conclusion (0:38)
Cross-Site Scripting
Cross-Site Scripting: Supplemental Resources
Introduction (1:15)
CSS Vulnerabilities (3:28)
XSS Attacks (1:56)
Stealing a Cookie Demo (1:03)
Types of XSS Overview (1:53)
Stored XSS (1:59)
Stored Cross-Site Scripting Demo (1:09)
Reflected XSS (1:19)
Reflected Cross-Site Scripting Demo (1:12)
DOM-Based XSS (1:02)
Server-Side XSS (1:11)
Client-Side XSS (1:00)
XSS in the Matrix (1:08)
Preventing XSS (2:43)
Testing for Vulnerability (1:47)
Browser Behaviors Leading to XSS (7:24)
Web Application Security Scanners (2:06)
Manual Testing Demo (1:39)
Conclusions (0:36)
Security Incidents
Security Incidents: Supplemental Resources
Incident Handling Teams (3:51)
Introduction (1:31)
Identifying Incidents (1:42)
Taking Action (1:34)
Recovery (1:13)
Analyze the Attack (1:27)
Reporting the Incident (0:55)
Evidence Integrity (1:10)
Conclusion (0:45)
Cloud Computing-Concepts
Cloud Computing-Concepts: Supplemental Resources
Cloud Computing Threats (8:15)
Introduction to Cloud Computing (8:46)
Cloud Computing-Attacks
Cloud Computing-Attacks: Supplemental Resources
Types of Attacks (8:28)
Cloud Computing Security (2:42)
Passive Footprinting Tools
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